Entity Name: | LATLOC, LLC |
Jurisdiction: | Connecticut |
Legal type: | LLC |
Citizenship: | Domestic |
Status: | Forfeited |
Date Formed: | 21 May 2013 |
Business ALEI: | 1107423 |
Annual report due: | 31 Mar 2017 |
Business address: | 6 DICKAU COURT, GLASTONBURY, CT, 06033 |
ZIP code: | 06033 |
County: | Hartford |
Place of Formation: | CONNECTICUT |
E-Mail: | scott@latloc.com |
Name | Role | Business address | Residence address | |
SCOTT T. KENNEDY | Agent | 6 DICKAU COURT, GLASTONBURY, CT, 06033, United States | scott@latloc.com | 6 DICKAU COURT, GLASTONBURY, CT, 06033, United States |
Name | Role | Business address | Residence address |
SCOTT KENNEDY | Officer | 6 DICKAU COURT, GLASTONBURY, CT, 06033, United States | 6 DICKAV COURT, GLASTONBURY, CT, 06033, United States |
LISA J. LESPERANCE | Officer | 2 BOND STREET, NIANTIC, CT, 06357, United States | 2 BOND STREET, NIANTIC, CT, 06357, United States |
MICHAEL R. LESPERANCE | Officer | 2 BOND STREET, NIANTIC, CT, 06357, United States | 2 BOND STREET, NIANTIC, CT, 06357, United States |
Filing number | Filing date | Effective date | Filing category | Filing type | Report year |
BF-0011835424 | 2023-06-06 | No data | Administrative Dissolution | Certificate of Dissolution/Revocation | No data |
BF-0011724940 | 2023-03-06 | No data | Administrative Dissolution | Notice of Intent to Dissolve/Revoke | No data |
0005726704 | 2016-12-29 | No data | Interim Notice | Interim Notice | No data |
0005556403 | 2016-05-04 | No data | Annual Report | Annual Report | 2016 |
0005430431 | 2015-11-16 | No data | Annual Report | Annual Report | 2015 |
0005430428 | 2015-11-16 | No data | Annual Report | Annual Report | 2014 |
0005431010 | 2015-11-16 | 2015-11-16 | Change of Agent | Agent Change | No data |
0004863747 | 2013-05-21 | No data | Business Formation | Certificate of Organization | No data |
Date of last update: 25 Nov 2024
Sources: Connecticut's Official State Website