Entity Name: | HAIR-LARIOUS,LLC |
Jurisdiction: | Connecticut |
Legal type: | LLC |
Citizenship: | Domestic |
Status: | Dissolved |
Date Formed: | 09 Dec 2009 |
Date of dissolution: | 08 Feb 2012 |
Business ALEI: | 0990320 |
Business address: | 79 WEST STAFFORD RD., STAFFORD SPRINGS, CT, 06076 |
Mailing address: | No information provided |
ZIP code: | 06076 |
County: | Tolland |
Place of Formation: | CONNECTICUT |
Name | Role | Business address | Residence address |
JESSICA SASSU | Agent | 79 WEST STAFFORD RD., STAFFORD SPRINGS, CT, 06076, United States | 5 BLUE BIRD RD., MIDDLETOWN, CT, 06457, United States |
Name | Role | Business address | Residence address |
JESSICA SASSU | Officer | 79 WEST STAFFORD RD., STAFFORD SPRINGS, CT, 06076, United States | 5 BLUE BIRD RD., MIDDLETOWN, CT, 06457, United States |
Filing number | Filing date | Effective date | Filing category | Filing type | Report year |
0004525703 | 2012-02-08 | No data | Dissolution | Certificate of Dissolution | No data |
0004063896 | 2009-12-09 | No data | Business Formation | Certificate of Organization | No data |
Date of last update: 02 Dec 2024
Sources: Connecticut's Official State Website